- 01242 671003
- admin@grangefield.gloucs.sch.uk
I love this school because of Owl groups. The children and the teachers make this school happy. I love the fact that in Owl Groups we help and look after the younger ones.
Information from Gloucestershire County Council
At the start of the year in which your child is due to start school Gloucestershire County Council will send you a letter asking you to state, in order of preference, the school/s you would like your child to attend. It is Gloucestershire County Council who allocate places, not the school. If a parent does not get the school of their choice they have the right to appeal to Gloucestershire County Council.
Like most schools we keep a register of children whose parents are interested in them taking up a place at our school. Putting your child’s name on the register does not guarantee you a place at our school; it is merely an indication to ourselves about possible demand for places. We have 60 reception places available here at Grangefield.
Please note that attendance at Little Hoots Pre-School does not have any bearing on places offered at the school.
If you could like to enquire about a place for a child in-year please complete the form below and return to the school.
In Year Application Form available here.
Further information about the admission arrangements from Gloucestershire County Council can be found here on their website.
Once you have been offered and accepted a reception place for your child the school will arrange for you and your child to meet with the teacher, visit the classroom and explain the admission procedure. At Grangefield we admit the children in two groups. The children initially attend school for a half day only but this quickly builds up for a full day. Experience has shown us that it is best to start by admitting the youngest children first
Tel: 01242 671 003
Email: Mrs Helena Bowen/Ms Sacha Burges admin@grangefield.gloucs.sch.uk
Grangefield School, Voxwell Lane, Bishops Cleeve, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL52 8GL
Directions: Via google maps
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