Gaining My Wings Awards

The Gaining My Wings Awards aim to –

  • Give our children lots of opportunities to increase their own personal development and wellbeing.
  • Encourage our children to widen their responsibilities and be active outside of the classroom.
  • Give extra opportunities to learn more about their local community and the wider world.
  • Encourage our children to know the importance of living in a diverse world.

What awards are there?

Our awards are based around our whole school drivers. These are; Growth Mindset, Solid Foundations, Good To Be Me and Global Child.

Each award has four levels to work towards. These depend on the children’s year group.

  • EYFS = Bronze award
  • Year 1 & 2 = Silver award
  • Year 3 & 4 = Gold award
  • Year 5 & 6 = Platinum award 

How does my child complete each award?

Your child will have a list of activities to choose from at each level. At bronze level your child needs to complete 5 activities from each award. At silver and gold level they need to complete 10 activities from each award. At platinum level they need to complete 5 activities from each award.

Your child will have a list of the activities stuck into their reading record. Once they have completed an activity you can tick or highlight it.

The majority of the activities are to be enjoyed and completed at home. However some will be completed at school as part of the curriculum or planned owl group sessions.  Teachers will inform you if your child has completed an activity at school.

At all award levels it is not compulsory to keep evidence of the activities that they complete.  However children are welcome to bring in anything they wish to add to their
Gaining My Wings book, which will be kept at school. In addition to this, parents are welcome to add any evidence to their child’s portfolio on Dojo.

At platinum level children will present examples of their activities at a Platinum Awards Exhibition during the final term in year 6.


At bronze, silver and gold level children will receive a certificate in assembly when they complete the award.

When all four awards are achieved at platinum level children will receive a certificate and a lapel badge in assembly.

Owl merits may also be used as extra incentives throughout the process.

Does my child have to take part?

Taking part in the Gaining My Wings awards is not compulsory. However we feel that the activities that your child will take part in will add to their personal development and wellbeing. They can choose to work towards one award, a few awards or all of them.