- 01242 671003
- admin@grangefield.gloucs.sch.uk
We believe that an effective partnership between home and school is beneficial in supporting children in their learning. Across the whole school we use Class Dojo as a communication application (app) which connects parents/carers, teachers and children.
Teachers use it as a communication platform to encourage children and to get parents/carers engaged in their children’s learning. They post the latest curriculum newsletter, knowledge organisers for current learning and tips for practising key skills at home.
Teachers can communicate with parents on a 1:1 messaging service or via the class page where general class messages can be shared. Children can engage in their learning in school and home by posting evidence of work they are proud in their journal and responding to tasks and feedback from their teacher. Parents can be kept informed of class events and see evidence of their child’s work and learning environment.
Children are encouraged to read at home frequently and have a reading diary to record this in.
In addition to reading, homework is set at an age-appropriate level using a variety of formats including online platforms (such as Times Tables Rockstars, Atom Learning and Google Classrooms), spelling lists to learn, worksheets and creative projects. Teachers communicate reading and homework expectations at the start of the year in a curriculum parents evening and throughout the year on ClassDojo.
Tel: 01242 671 003
Email: Mrs Helena Bowen/Ms Sacha Burges admin@grangefield.gloucs.sch.uk
Grangefield School, Voxwell Lane, Bishops Cleeve, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL52 8GL
Directions: Via google maps
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