I like Grangefield because we don’t learn about one subject every day, we learn about lots of exciting subjects every day. I also love being the Owl Council because I get to count owl merits and help plan events.

The work of the Governing Body

The governing body at Grangefield School focuses its time and energy on the challenges and opportunities for school improvement. The board of governors operate at a strategic level to govern the school; leaving the Headteacher and senior school leaders responsible and accountable to the governing body for the operational day to day running of the school.

The board of governors will focus on 3 core functions:

  1. Setting the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school
  2. Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school
  3. Ensuring financial resources are used and spent well


At Grangefield School the governing body board formally reconstituted in 2015. The board of governors now comprises:

  • 4 parent governors (elected by other parents at the school),
  • 1 local authority governor (nominated by the Local Authority and appointed by the governing body),
  • 5 co-opted governors (appointed by the governing body),
  • 1 staff governor (elected by the school staff),
  • and the Headteacher.

Governors are volunteers, who serve a term of office of 4 years, and should have the skills, knowledge and experience the governing body needs to be effective and contribute to the success of the school.

Governors are supported by Mrs Blackman, the clerk to the governing body.

They meet as a full governing body at least once a term, i.e. 6 times per year. At the first meeting in each academic year the Chair and Vice Chair are elected. The structure and membership of the committees is also considered and reviewed.


In addition to the full board of governors, to aid effective governance, 2 committees have been established on which various governors with specific skills sit. The full governing body delegate particular roles and responsibilities to these committees:


Its remit includes the good use of money allocated to the school budget, monitoring actual spend and the impact this is having. It oversees staffing, including the recruitment, performance management of the Headteacher and staff training and development. It also deals with the school premises, including site development and grounds matters.

Curriculum and Standards

Its remit includes the monitoring of the national curriculum and raising the standards achieved by the school pupils. It closely monitors groups within the school community, looking at progress being achieved and the progress towards the targets set within the school development plan.