- 01242 671003
- admin@grangefield.gloucs.sch.uk
At Grangefield, our values are lived not just laminated. Our values help to shape what we deliver at school and shape the expectations we have of all those involved in the school community.
Mrs Gemma Kydd, Head Teacher
At Grangefield School we have high expectations of all our children. We are committed to educating in a holistic way focusing on the social, moral, creative and artistic as well as the academic. We hold six core values close to us and embed these values into everything we do.
Our Values
Tel: 01242 671 003
Email: Mrs Helena Bowen/Ms Sacha Burges admin@grangefield.gloucs.sch.uk
Grangefield School, Voxwell Lane, Bishops Cleeve, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL52 8GL
Directions: Via google maps
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