I love Grangefield because we have kind teachers, a big playground and field, and supportive friends.


Clothing and Uniform Policy

It is important for the school and our pupils that appropriate school uniform is worn. It is part of our identity and helps engender a sense of belonging. You can find out Clothing and Uniform policy on the right hand side of this page.


The school has limited cloakroom space and bags of any description do not need to be brought into school. The school provides all necessary pens, pencils etc. Our school book bags are provided for taking home reading books and homework. Please check your child’s book bag regularly as letters will be sent home in it. PE bags are provided by the school and are stored in classrooms and changing rooms.

Jewellery and Watches

It is school policy that no jewellery should be worn. Children with pierced ears may wear studs. It is county policy that studs be removed for PE and swimming. Smart watches are not appropriate to be worn at school. Children are not permitted to wear watches while taking part in PE so tracking their steps is not possible.

Reception and Year 1 Uniform

Standard Uniform
  • Navy jogging bottoms – Children in Y1 may wear tailored trousers, school skirts and dresses if preferred.
  • White polo shirt (with or without logo)
  • Navy sweatshirt or cardigan with logo
  • Black shoes – these must be flat soled and have closed toes and heels. Trainers are permitted, but these must not have any colour logos or soles.
Optional Summer Items

Blue checked summer dress or fitted navy shorts.

Years 2-6 Uniform

Standard Uniform
  • White polo shirt (with or without logo)
  • Navy sweatshirt or cardigan with logo
  • Plain navy elasticated waist or normal fitted trousers or shorts, plain navy skirt, culottes or pinafore. Trousers and shorts must be a tailored fit. Chino or sports style trousers and shorts are not school uniform.  Only Reception and Y1 are permitted to wear jogging bottoms.
  • Black shoes – these must be flat soled and have closed toes and heels. Trainers are permitted, but these must not have any colour logos or soles.

Optional Summer Items

Blue checked summer dress or fitted navy shorts

All children can wear summer uniform from September through to October half term, weather permitting. Summer uniform can then be worn again from Easter onwards (weather permitting). Shorts must be of school uniform standard. Cargo or sports style shorts and playsuits are not school uniform.

If you have any questions about our school uniform please contact the school office.

PE Uniform

Children are required to wear the following for PE lessons:

  • Green t-shirt with logo
  • Navy shorts or skort
  • Green sweatshirt with logo
  • Navy jogging bottoms (winter)
  • Trainers (any colour).  During winter sport, Y5 & Y6 may be allowed to wear football boots when appropriate.

PE kits are worn to school on the day your child’s PE lesson is on.

Uniform and PE kit supplier

Uniform and PE kit can be purchased at:
Schooltogs, 252 High Street, Cheltenham, GL50 3HF.
Telephone: 01242 523632. Email: chelt@schooltogs.com
Opening hours are Monday-Saturday 9am-5pm

To order online please click here